文登市工程钻机厂坐落于文登市林村工业园,这里科技发达,交通便利,制造业集中。 本厂始建于1982年,是国内较早研发生产工程钻机的生产企业之一。目前企业拥有一批能力强、业务精,技术专的管理人员和技术人员队伍(其中具有中、职称的各类工程技术人员和管理人员占职工总数30%以上)。现拥有固定资产千万余元,厂区占地面积近10万平米,精、大等各种加工设备近百台。为了使企业保持旺盛的生命力,近年来我们与国内部分高等院校的、教授、学者紧密联系、广泛合作,具备了很强的新产品研发能力,不断有新科研成果问世。其中较早继GJ-150S之后,相继推出了GJ-150A、GJ-200S、GJ-200A、GJ-400、GJ-20型等系列钻机、泥浆泵及钻塔。 企业立足前沿,坚持科技为本、质量、锐意进取、务实创新。经多年苦心经营,1993年就成为山东省水利厅生产钻机的定点企业,1995年系列产品被列为“星火计划项目”,2008年10月获得了“齿轮箱档位互锁装置”专利。近年来企业通过了质量体系认证,各种产品严格按着ISO9001:2000标准组织生产并配备较好的售后服务体系。目前产品已覆盖全国20多个省市区,市场占有率稳中有升。部分系列产品还出口欧非,创造了极大的经济效益和社会效益。 文登市工程钻机厂企业宗旨:“以质量求生存,以信誉求发展” 、“大胆尝试,小心求证,多出精品,产业报国”。 文登市工程钻机厂热忱欢迎社会各界人士光临、合作。 Company introduction Wendeng Engineering Drilling Rig factory is located in Lin Cun Industrial Park in Wendeng with advanced technology、fast and convenient transportation and intensive manufacturing. Established in 1982, it was one of the enterprises which began to research and develop and manufacture engineering rig in the early years. At the present, the factory possesses a team of excellent management and experienced、skilled and professional technicians.(more than 30% of them are techonics and managing people ). Covering an area of nearly 100,000 square meters, it has a fixed asset of Tens of millions of yuan and nearly hundred pricisive and large processing equipment. In order to maintain the vitality of enterprises, we have kept a close and wide cooperation with a lot of experts、professers and scholars in colleges and universities in these years . Because of strong capability of reseaching and developing newproducts, new research results have come out continuously. After GJ-150S, the series of GJ-150A、GJ-200S、GJ-200A、GJ-400、GJ-20 were developed One after another. Our company is always at the forefront of the development, insisting on technology and quality first, innovation. After years of painstaking efforts, In 1993 it has become specialized in the production of water drilling rig designated by Wate ...展开
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